Dear Jacobean and Alumni Member,
The 10th Annual General Meeting of the St. James’ School Alumni Association will be held on the 8th of October, 2023, Sunday from 10 a.m. at the School Hall. All members are requested to kindly attend the meeting.
The Agenda of the meeting is as follows:

1. Welcome Address by the President / Chair.
2. Observation of Silence for the Departed Teachers and Jacobeans.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 26th September’ 2021 at the School Hall.
4. Presentation and Approval of Auditors Report.
5. Presentation and Approval of Treasurer’s Report.
6. Presentation and Approval of the Secretary’s Report.
7. Presentation and Approval of the Sports Coordinator’s Report.
8. Presentation and Approval of the Cultural Coordinator’s Report.
9. Any other topics with the prior Permission of the Chair.
10. Vote of Thanks.
Your presence will be highly appreciated as this will help our Alumni reach newer heights.
Please RSVP your presence by a whatsapp message to 9051833384.

Just a Reminder – If your Annual Renewal of Rs. 250/- is pending and have not yet renewed it, you can do so easily by filling in your registered email on Do scroll down to ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL and then click proceed. You can check your registered email address here –
If you want to pay in cash, you can do so at the AGM itself. We will just need your Registered Email Address for the process.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Mr. N. Holt,
St. James’ School Alumni Association.