
Jacobeans vs Xaverians Annual Debate 2019 and Appreciation Dinner

Jacobeans vs Xaverians Annual Debate 2019 and Appreciation Dinner


Greetings Jacobeans,
We are happy to announce that the Jacobeans vs Xaverians Annual Debate will be held on the 7th of December’ 2019, 5pm onwards. All Jacobeans are most welcome to witness this annual battle.
This will be followed by an Appreciation Dinner for our Honorable ex-Principals Mr. F.P. Pakianathan and Mr. J.A. Mason at the school premises. This is on a First come, First served basis event with limited passes. For further details and passes please do get in touch with Mr. Niloy Guha (98302 28676) or Mr. Anshuman Kundu (99039 98339). Confirmation will be needed within the 2nd of December’ 2019. No passes will be available at the venue. Due to some unavoidable circumstances the Bishop Middleton Quiz and the Annual Reunion Dinner has been postponed till further notice.
St. James’ School Alumni Association